Pop Culture References - Yes This Is In English

It's probably very noticeable that in alot of different mediums, whatever it is movies, televison, radio or internet flash animation that most use pop culture references as comedy. This is nothing new at all but I, for one atleast are getting bored with it a bit. That is not to say that I hate pop culture references based jokes or haven't made them myself from time to time. It just that, it's not very creative now is it?


For exempel anyone can make a references to pulp fiction and quote rephrase Jules memorable line "What!? That ain't no country I ever heard of, do they speak english in what!?", but that doesn't mean it have to be funny just because you have watch the movie and can put it in whatever the context is.


Why is not funny anymore? Well, it has been done way to many times by way to many people. I know it can be funny in a satrical way, but it is basically just taking from something that is much better and changing it a bit, to make people believe you're creative. An example from the Smurf film that has recently been released in movie theaters, oh I've never imagined that you could take Smurfette and do the iconic Marlyin Monroe scene where her dress is almost blown up so you can see her panties. Yeah, I've never seen someone do that before...


So what is my point then? Although that the use of pop culture refrences might be funny from time to time, most of it is just lazy writing and people is showbusiness should start to make up something rather then satire and rephrase pop cultures iconic moments.


I'm looking at you creators of Scary Movie

MVH Anthon


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